Sunday, November 18, 2007

telekinetic golf balls

"Many can argue, not many converse."

La Biblioteca, the apartment in which I live, had a housewarming fandango last evening. Bacon, our cat, was ecstatic to see so many people. So ecstatic in fact, that she left out the front door at one point in the evening.

I was most personally satisfied that our apartment was successfully cleaned and presentable before the party. It seems a strange thing, but I walked the apartment, up and down, beer in hand, about 3 times before the party started - proudly strutting like the lead male of the pride, down our incredibly long hallway, looking at flickering candles, clean floors, nice music, and the occasional man on fire music video playing on the television. If no one had shown up to the party, I would have gone to sleep in my off-to-the-side bedroom a contented dweller.

Alas, people did show up! And most were very pleasant companions in our housewarming party journey. We had one character that showed up nearly on time and he held down the party with the three of us for the first hour or so. From there, more people scattered in and things became a bit more lively and smiley. A few guests were particularly strange - one said "man" as about every other word in conversation. It would seem that is a trend these days. Except, this particular "friend" used man in really strange conversations. At one point, no doubt encouraged by alcohol, he walked up to someone at the party and said "MAN! I heard you say something about freedom MAN, MAN tell me about freedom. Tell me everything you know MAN."

It's too bad this comment was made very near the end of the party, so I kind of helped usher this man out the door without fully realizing the extent to which we experience freedom. However, I don't think the party was long enough even if he asked the question right at the beginning and showed up before our other party-holder-downer first guest.

All in all, it was good. A small step in the party sense. A large step in the arrangement of household things. Hooray Martha Stewart.


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