Wednesday, July 29, 2009

poetic food dessert

"Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained." William Blake

dear computer,

i would like to thank you for helping me along in life. but i don't want to spend much time doing it, you see, because i know that you cannot possibly ever "compute" my emotion or appreciation so that it might affect you in some way. i know that you'll forever remain computering along under my fingers, shining brightly at me, numb to my deep appreciation of you. and i like that. even though i write about you right now, you'll never know i sent this letter, and i'll never receive one back, nor see you smile or even nod, but i'll be glad i thanked you anyway.


Monday, June 22, 2009

small ideas

A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of creation. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

i prefer small ideas to large ones. small ideas can fit on slips of paper stuffed into cookies, they are sticker-able, and ticker tape-able and don't cost that much to fly from the tail of an airplane or paint in the sky. small ideas don't take long to tag on a wall or a folder cover, or write in the creases of the palm, or carve in stone or in the sand along a river.

and more importantly, small ideas don't seem to ask too much of us. they are the invisible force of the world. whispers, small suggestions, messages in bottles, suggestions written on bathroom walls, accidental refrigerator art, tatoos on strangers, humble servants that might have the power to change the course of our day, or make our mouth smile, or make us re-prioritize our time. the busiest calendars have times for small ideas; they are potential earthquakes dressed in the clothes of minituarized saints that can potentially erase our entire calendar for the better.

Friday, June 19, 2009

classy-ness, sassy-ness, and the invention of pilgrims

I don't want to make money, I just want to be wonderful. -- Marilyn Monroe

a little girl walks on the west side of the city, eyes closed, as the sun sets behind her, framing her figure in an orange outline, as if she were Gabriel sent from heaven to walk here. she fingers the fringes of her skirt while she thinks - we don't know what she thinks (we wish we did) - she carefully places one be-sneakered foot in front of the other, surreptitiously curling her toes inside, so as to gain strength in unity. she treads lightly, almost as if her soles never touch the ground, but hover an imperceptibly slight distance above the concrete, her tongue purses against the bottom of her mouth, creating a bridge between her molars, so her exasperated singing might run across her mouth freely, rocking the boat between her teeth before exiting in an electric hum that woos the moon into the night sky.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

alphabet soup meets the blender

“When we're incomplete, we're always searching for somebody to complete us. When, after a few years or a few months of a relationship, we find that we're still unfulfilled, we blame our partners and take up with somebody more promising. This can go on and on--series polygamy--until we admit that while a partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives, we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter.” Tom Robbins

i rode my bike about 20 miles yesterday, past rows and rows of buildings and cars, and factories, over potholes, past construction signs, past garbage bins, under trains, under bridges, over bridges, and when i was near the end, another bike with a biker aboard came up next to me and asked how to get to irving park rd.. i told him, and pedaled off home, thinking of all the other people i might have met along the way.