Monday, March 29, 2021

obsequious pearls of knowledge hidden within oneself

"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons." Dostoevsky

when i initially checked in with my body, i got only a dial tone. faint, at best. 

in fact, i wasn't sure it was there. if there was a there there. there was no

modulation, no thing to see, necessarily. dear knee cap, how are you 

today? I might ask. In reply. 

Dear other knee cap, how are you?

Dear entire torso, how are you?

Dear any part of my body, say something, please! Let me know you are there. 

And then when I thought about her, my stomach 

bent. faintly. if there can be a faint bending, it found a way.

and when i asked "stomach how are you?" nothing. 

And then I thought when I thought about her, my stomach

bent, again faintly. And when I went to check in

it acted as if it were the child in the back 

of class who threw the paper airplane.

that is when i knew that I had to take this path. 

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