Monday, June 22, 2009

small ideas

A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of creation. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

i prefer small ideas to large ones. small ideas can fit on slips of paper stuffed into cookies, they are sticker-able, and ticker tape-able and don't cost that much to fly from the tail of an airplane or paint in the sky. small ideas don't take long to tag on a wall or a folder cover, or write in the creases of the palm, or carve in stone or in the sand along a river.

and more importantly, small ideas don't seem to ask too much of us. they are the invisible force of the world. whispers, small suggestions, messages in bottles, suggestions written on bathroom walls, accidental refrigerator art, tatoos on strangers, humble servants that might have the power to change the course of our day, or make our mouth smile, or make us re-prioritize our time. the busiest calendars have times for small ideas; they are potential earthquakes dressed in the clothes of minituarized saints that can potentially erase our entire calendar for the better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hooray! I knew you'd come back.