Friday, May 30, 2008

immoderate household gelatin molds

There is strong shadow where there is much light.
sometimes there is an itch in the brain, impossible to scratch, that begs one to bend thoughts towards it in hopes of overwhelming the area with so much electrical synergy that it might spark a soothing black-out. this is how one ends up talking in circles, being forced to talk in circles. everything is connected back to one focal point, regardless of the expanse of material covered, at times, every single phenomenon might simply suggest one truth: spanish conquistadors created the foundation of capitalism today; family is a state of mind; vampires really do control the night. all of these truths are valid reasons to try and drink so much water that you might drown your brain and the pull of the moon will create a tide that will eventually squall the focal point. but the mind still trips on the consonance of the bermuda triangle.


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